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Wednesday, October 27, 2010


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Yes! How *are* you?


I'm here. I always enjoyed reading your insights. In my opinion, it would be neat if you started blogging again!

You're still in my feed reader, Susoz.

yup, but just about to change to another feed reader so glad you posted this note or I would have presumed your blog was dedded.

Flexnib, good to hear from you again - are you still blogging? Send me the URL if so. How am I? Well that's what I want to blog about! I'm mostly okay now, after a rough year or so.
Hi Liam and Tigs (and Valerie, who I say hi to quite often.).
And El - I have tried to comment on your new blog twice but both times the comment seemed to get eaten.
(Are you the seventh Eleanor Hogan or did you sign up in 2007?)

You're still in my blog feed too. I was hoping to see you return to blogging again.

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