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Tuesday, November 22, 2005


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Ah, my own newly-aching elbow and recently-hurting feet have a lot of sympathy with yours! I hope the vertigo is solveable--that doesn't sound fun at all.

Going on the swings makes me feel sick these days. And don't mention the roundabouts.

I thought vertigo like that was due to low blood pressure. I had it regularly when I was in my late teens/20s, although it's rare for me now.

Hope your feet problems improve, and how's Olle?

Morgan, no, it's not the low blood pressure type of dizziness (though I do have low-ish blood pressure - at least that's something that's okay!)It's more at the top and back of my head and is more like a swaying sensation, like being on a boat.
Actually, it's gone now. I think it must have been a viral infaction of the inner ears or sinuses.
The ankle pain hasn't recurred for a few days either.
Which leaves me with a badly swollen knee.
Olle's fine now - eating and sleeping a lot to make up for lost time. He remembers offering you jelly beans when you came to visit - the important things stick in his mind!

I'm still hoping it's all a matter of mind of matter...

A few years ago, my podiatrist told me I had "the feet of a 55 year old" (I was 35 at the time) but I've been too embarrassed about them to ever have an actual barbecue conversation.

I think I'm just unlucky in my genes to get to that point so early - although I have worn court shoes occasionally, I've never worn high heels.

It's made me more appreciate of the fact that the rest of my body isn't ageing at quite such a rapid rate.

Foot repair would have to be industry just waiting for a big explosion. The orthopaedic nightmares that young girls are wearing, have to be causing a future epidemic of crippleness. Guide Olle now toward the big bucks career.
That sharp ankle pain you have could be 'referred pain' from spine? get well soon.xx

Wow, that all sounds pretty miserable. Hope it is all subsiding by now, though the swollen knee sounds like it might take a while... good luck! (and ick to the inevitability of an aging body - shouldn't somebody do something about that?)

Brownie, I had to laugh at your big bucks comment. My recent consultations have been my first ever visits to a physiotherapist. I go to a 'sports clinic' and it is full of young patients, many with knee problems. I admit it did cross my mind that becoming a physio would be a respectable career for my offspring!

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